Flooding & HSTPs

Home Sewage Treatment Plant (HSTP) and their land application systems, for example sprinklers and below ground drippers, can be affected by flood waters.

Did your current HSTP get flooded or are you worried about the next time we have a severe weather event? Read on to find out how Ecosafe can handle severe weather events and provide peace of mind for homeowners during wild weather.

What is the Ecosafe Wastewater Treatment System

With the Ecosafe system the total household wastewater flows into a large in-ground precast concrete primary tank where initial treatment occurs by natural separation and fermentation processes.

Our unique system produces the highest quality water effluent and with minimal electronics and moving parts, meaning Ecosafe owners have peace of mind that their system will continue to work flawlessly for decades.

How does it work?

An Ecosafe system works in three distinct stages:

Stage 1: Waste enters the primary tank where the water & solids are separated, the solids remain in the first chamber and an outlet filter allows only water to enter the sand filter.

Stage 2: Waste water enters the sand filter to receive secondary treatment. The water flows through the sand for a natural filtration of the water.

Stage 3: The now clear, odourless water enters the pump well, where it is used for irrigation by the automatic silent pump.

Ecosafe and Flooding

The Ecosafe process is entirely biological and does not depend on disinfections (e.g., Chlorine, Ozonation or UV) for successful operation. There are no blowers or complicated electronics and the system runs on a single automatic irrigation pump.

Due to this, Ecosafe doesn’t have any external electronics, which other HSTP’s have meaning Ecosafe is not easily susceptible to extreme weather events such as heavy rain or flooding.

If you have questions regarding Ecosafe or are thinking it may be the best system for your home, give us a call on 0490 796 291 or complete an online form today.

Ecosafe is Australia’s leading supplier of environmentally-friendly, low maintenance and cost-effective wastewater systems. Manufactured from only the highest quality parts and materials, and installed by Ecosafe’s qualified and personable team.  

Regardless of whether you’re building a new property, or need to upgrade an existing septic, wastewater system or HSTP, Ecosafe can help! Submit an online enquiry here or call us on 07 3103 9069. 

Click for our latest news and blogs, find out what other clients have said about Ecosafe, or learn how the Ecosafe System works here.